Tending to our relationship with land

A group of young beings sit in a circle on a rug around a plate that has flowers on it. An elder reaches out to pick up a flower. Drawing materials in the background.

Finca Luna Búho is a carespace & farm nurturing ecologies of care. We tend to and are tended by the land. We center community care as collective liberation.

We are unapologetically abolitionist, anti-border, anti-imperialist and anti-military. We dream beyond duality and binaries. We honor and hold remembrance of the existence our ancestors have gifted us.

Finca Luna Búho is the land collective of Sonrisas, a 501c3 organization.

We are collectively realizing our dreams to be, create and offer this space.

Community Care

As a poor community holding multiple intersections of marginalized lived experiences, we center community care as a way to create space for deep change making. True community care offers support for those who otherwise wouldn’t have access to resources they need and deserve in order to survive. Our community care spaceholding offers beautiful opportunities for us to thrive, share with one another and move towards our collective liberation.

A being soaks in sunshine as they snuggle a basket filled with orange marigold flowers

Healing Justice

To be in relationship with healing justice offers space to tend to being, ancestral lineage, our values, and dreams. We center this being a place of respite and ease for those impacted by oppressive systemic structures and trauma. We believe that true change making comes from a space of intergenerational healing and reconnection.

A young being sands in a field, the photo taken from over their head showing little bits of twigs and leaves in their hair.

Intimacy with Nature

Our intention of tending to this land is to be in deep reciprocity with the cold spring waters, ancient trees, plant communities, and more-than-human kin. We believe that this relationship holds knowledge sharing that can be truly transformative. To be present with land offers opportunity for symbiotic healing that supports our mutual connection.

A group of beings prepares food together in a high tunnel, mural of sky and mountains in the background to the right

Seeding Solidarity

Seeding Solidarity is a collaborative food sovereignty program that provides BIPOC, immigrant, and other marginalized families access to fresh, seasonal vegetables while creating a space to cultivate shared values, build community, engage in knowledge sharing, and reconnect our awareness towards sustainability and stewardship.